Resident Advocacy


Community Pediatrics, Advocacy, and Ambulatory eXperience (CPAAX) rotations are two 4-week blocks for pediatric residents to have longitudinal exposure to various outpatient and community agencies, advocacy training, and acute and chronic outpatient care. Residents develop skills in local, professional, and legislative advocacy, outpatient medicine topics such as mental health, child abuse, and breastfeeding, and learn about social determinants of health and the importance of community partnerships. The rotation culminates with a resident-initiated advocacy project and presentation in the third year. The images below include links to some of our community partners:


Advocacy Opportunities

In addition to the CPAAX rotations, there are many other opportunities throughout residency to engage in advocacy and continue to build on acquired skills. Residents may also use flex and elective time for additional advocacy experiences. There are often other conferences, advocacy lectures, or time to talk with legislators that may arise through the WIAAP, the AAP, or through UW.

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Advocacy Projects

Our residents develop a project during residency with the goal of improving child health. The project may involve, but is not limited to, partnership with our community stakeholders, focus in resident continuity clinics, incorporation into quality improvement projects, other research or data collection, volunteer time, legislative efforts, or many other possibilities! Brainstorming and community outreach begins in CPAAX I or intern year, and research or implementation continues throughout residency. Past residents have applied for CATCH grants from the AAP to fund their projects or presented their projects at national conferences. Examples include:

  • Dr. Matthew Lammers (Class of 2024) worked with physicians at his Continuity Clinic site, Access Community Health Center, to create guidelines for orienting newly-arrived immigrant patients to the clinic, as well as screening recommendations for patients based on age and specific risk factors, including country of origin. 
  • Drs. Rodgers and Williams Al-Kharusy planned a week-long focus on food insecurity, including faculty Q&A and case examples, a resident-led SNAP Challenge, and discussions with WIC, SNAP, and food pantry representatives in Madison. Their abstract was also accepted to PAS!
  • Dr. Condit’s article was featured in the WI State Journal: Hannah Sherfinski and Dr. Paige Condit: Pediatricians should screen for stress from racism
  • Dr. Alex Wolf’s (PGY-3) letter to the editor was featured in The Cap Times: Letter | Sex ed needs to include contraception 

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Our residents participate in AAP initiatives both locally within the Wisconsin Chapter and at a national level. The residency has an AAP National Program Delegate who educates our program on national child health campaigns, advocacy projects in other programs, and local efforts.

Committee for Advocacy and Resident Education (CARE)

CARE’s vision is for all pediatric trainees to be effective advocates for children. CARE is a resident-led advocacy group that is open to any and all pediatric residents.  It provides extra opportunities to learn about advocacy throughout your time as a pediatric resident and strives to develop even more opportunities for advocacy training and involvement. The group meets in the evenings and is hosted by a resident or an attending. Guest faculty share how they have incorporated advocacy in their respective careers, how they’ve created partnerships, and how they utilize the various forms of advocacy. Our faculty mentor is Drs. Mala Mathur.

Doctor Day

Each year, Wisconsin physicians, residents, and medical students meet at the Wisconsin State Capitol to engage in the legislative process and to educate representatives to better promote the health of our patients.

Left to right: Ala Bdair, MD, Allison Hogan, MD, Paul Skelton, MD at Doctor Day 2024




Lead Resident for Advocacy

The Lead Resident for Advocacy is elected yearly by program leadership and is responsible for distributing weekly advocacy information and opportunities for involvement, coordinating resident involvement in Advocacy Day, liaising residents with faculty and departmental advocacy efforts, and representing the program at state and national AAP meetings.

Morning Report

Morning Report is a dynamic, resident-driven conference that focuses on the problem-oriented approach to both inpatient and outpatient cases of interest. Chief residents facilitate discussion about differential diagnoses, management, and plan with support from faculty in attendance. Our program hosts quarterly advocacy Morning Reports and participated in an advocacy Morning Report takeover last spring! 

Spring 2023 Morning Report takeover

Quarterly Morning Reports

Pediatric Education and Active Resident Learning (PEARL) Conference

Each year of residency, one half-day is dedicated to teaching residents to be effective advocates. PEARL sessions are modeled from AAP Training Modules and led by advocacy faculty:

  • Legislative Advocacy Session
  • Working in Partnerships Session
  • Advocacy Communication Session

Jean Raphael, visiting CATCH professor, facilitated an education session on how to partner with local community organizations to improve child health.

Left-Representative Chris Taylor (D) and Right-Representative Joan Ballweg (R) meet with residents.

Meet our CARE Leads

Julia Clemens, MD is this year’s AAP Section on Pediatric Trainees delegate and CARE co-lead. She grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and moved to Wisconsin from Burlington, Vermont, where she attended medical school. In medical school, she led a monthly event for the homeless community and volunteered at the local juvenile detention center. She is interested in caring for underserved populations and enjoys working with new immigrant patients at her continuity clinic at Access. She recently received a CATCH grant to pursue an advocacy project at ARC House, providing education sessions on newborn care topics.


Erin Kelleher, MD is the Lead Resident for Advocacy for the 24-25 academic year, as well as co-lead for CARE. She is originally from the Norwest Suburbs of Chicago, attended undergrad at UW Madison, and completed medical school in Chicago. She is especially interested in firearm safety since firearm related injuries are the leading cause of death among children. She is enthusiastic about her new role and aims to create opportunities that will make it easier for residents to engage in advocacy despite their busy schedules.


See our faculty and general pediatrics advocacy pages for more information and resources.