Six students and their mentors receive undergraduate research fellowships

On May 3, Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin hosted the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year. This year, six students mentored by Department of Pediatrics faculty members were highlighted at the event. Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty …

Department of Pediatrics will host 18 Shapiro Summer Research Program students

This summer, 14 Department of Pediatrics faculty members from seven divisions will open their research groups to 18 medical students through the Shapiro Summer Research Program. Since 2002, the Shapiro Summer Research Program has provided …

Three department members offer new evidence of well-being science for pediatricians in a new book

Three Department of Pediatrics members, Sarah Webber, MD, director of well-being, associate professor, Division of Hospital Medicine; Jessica Babal, MD, assistant professor and interim chief, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; and Megan A. …

Megan Moreno will serve as co-medical director of new national center for social media and youth mental health

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has launched a new organization focused on children and their engagement with the digital landscape called the Center of Excellence: Creating a Healthy Digital Ecosystem for Children and Youth. …