Six students and their mentors receive undergraduate research fellowships

On May 3, Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin hosted the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year. This year, six students mentored by Department of Pediatrics faculty members were highlighted at the event. Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty …

Department of Pediatrics 2024 Research Week, including the Gerard B. Odell Lecture and Award, is coming in May

Next month, the Department of Pediatrics will offer its 2024 Research Week over five days, May 13–17. Through a combination of live-streamed lectures, in-person events, and interactive sessions with faculty members and trainees, audience participants …

Bruce Klein and Marcel Wuethrich receive R01 grant to investigate vaccine immunity against coccidioidomycosis

PI Bruce Klein, MD, professor and chief, and co-PI Marcel Wuethrich, PhD, distinguished scientist, both from the Division of Infectious Diseases, received a new R01 grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The five-year …

Bruce Klein and research team awarded $2 million grant for vaccine and drug treatment against white-nose syndrome, fungal disease deadly to bats

In a private-public collaboration, the National Science Foundation and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation have awarded a grant of more the $2 million for a research project to combat white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease …