Nearly 5,000 critical care professionals attend the Society for Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) annual Congress to discover the latest solutions and developments, medical advances, cutting-edge treatments, and breakthroughs in intensive care unit (ICU) administration and …
Seminars in Modern Clinical Genetics: How to Approach a Rapidly Changing Field
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Laboratory of Genetics and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health are excited to announce a two-week seminar series that will highlight advances in genomic research relative to human disease. This …
UW Study Designs Novel Approach for Better Understanding Teens and Technology
What teens find important on social media is a better measure of how they interact with technology than how many minutes they spend using social media, according to a new study led by Megan Moreno, …
Dr. Elizabeth Cox Named Associate Director of the Primary Care Research Fellowship
Elizabeth Cox, MD, PhD (Professor, Division of General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine) has accepted a role as Associate Director of the Primary Care Research Fellowship (T32), which is funded by HRSA and administered in the …
What We Published in January 2020
The following scholarly articles were published by Department of Pediatrics faculty and staff during January 2020: Altman MC, Beigelman A, Ciaccio C, Gern JE, Heymann PW, Jackson DJ, Kennedy JL, Kloepfer K, Lemanske RF Jr, McWilliams LM, Muehling …
Dr. Judith Smith Recognized for Immunology Research
Judith Smith, MD, PhD (Associate Professor, Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology) was recently recognized for her on-going research in immunology and selected for the highly competitive Vilas Associates Award by the University of Wisconsin Office of the Vice Chancellor for …
Pediatric Complex Care Program Awarded Two Grants from Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin
Congratulations to Ryan Coller, MD, MPH, Mary Ehlenbach, MD, and Kristan Sodergren, NP, of the Pediatric Complex Care Program (PCCP) on two recent one-year awards funded by the Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin’s Advancing Family-Centered …