Information for Prospective Residents

The PUBLISH Pathway will provide exposure to core research principles such as:

  • An overview of various types of scholarship, including: bench, clinical, translational, quality improvement, advocacy, educational, medical humanities, and community-based participatory research
  • Building positive & productive relationships with mentors
  • Collaborating on research teams
  • Developing a research question
  • Performing a literature review
  • Research ethics
  • Fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  • Dissemination of scholarly work through abstracts, papers, presentations and posters
  • The peer review process
  • Finding and applying for research funding

Pathway participants will:

  • Work with their mentor on a project that is interesting, relevant, doable, and provides experience in the fundamentals of research
  • Attend PUBLISH pathway meetings every 1-2 months for didactic instruction, guided work on their project, and peer mentoring
  • Commit a minimum of one, 2-week elective to deep participation in their scholarly work
  • Participate in PUBLISH retreats
  • Work with their mentor toward project dissemination including:
    • Abstract submission to the UW’s Annual Pediatrics Research Week
    • Abstract submission to a regional or national meeting, with protected time & funding available to attend if accepted
    • Begin writing a manuscript
  • Receive a Certificate of PUBLISH Pathway completion at the end of residency


Q: What if I am also applying to another pathway?

A: We work to accommodate dual pathway participation as much as possible. For scheduling purposes, we will ask residents to identify a “primary pathway.” The primary pathway designation will be used to prioritize for scheduling if a conflict arises.

Q: How much prior research experience do PUBLISH pathway participants need?

A: We welcome residents of all levels of expertise– from those who are dipping their toes into research for the first time to those who have participated in many previous projects! Many of the pathway activities can be tailored to an individual resident’s level of experience. Those with particularly extensive research experience may find some aspects of the pathway redundant. Please reach out if you would like to discuss further.

Q: Will I have to come up with my own research project?

A: Residents will work with a mentor to define a project within the resident’s area of interest AND the mentor’s area of expertise. We have mentors from many pediatric disciplines, and who perform varied types of research. Residents can choose to receive directive guidance on project ideas, or develop something themselves with the assistance of a mentor. We will guide residents to ensure that the project is doable, provides experience in the fundamentals of research, and allows for an optimal mentorship experience. We strive to pair mentors & mentees based on resident preferences, career needs, and level of experience.

All students matching in our program will be given information on joining the PUBLISH pathway after match day. This is a non-competitive application process.

September 2024: Sushant Srinivasan, MD, MHPE (Pediatric Critical Care) – Qualitative Research
October 2024: Jim Gern, MD (Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology) – Writing Abstracts
November 2024: Karen Pletta, MD (General Pediatrics) – QI as Scholarship
December 2024: Adam Bauer, MD (Neonatology) – Networking Your Brand
January 2025: Norm Fost, MD, MPH (Bioethics) – Ethics: The Check List Study and Treatment of Status Epilepticus
February 2025: Doug Dean III, PhD (Neonatology) – Research Articles
March 2025: Elizabeth Mann, MD (Pediatric Endocrinology) – Sticky Situations
April 2025: Emily Ruedinger, MD, MEd (Adolescent Medicine) – Medical Education as Scholarship
May 2025: Matthew Harer, MD (Neonatology) – Biosketch