Family-led academic grand (FLAG) rounds will highlight the unique challenges of care for children with disabilities or medical complexity

On Thursday, January 16, a special series of Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds will commence with its inaugural presentation. A family-led academic grand rounds (FLAG rounds) will offer a new view and a unique sort …

UW–Madison Prevention Research Center receives $5 million from CDC to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Prevention Research Center has been awarded $5 million in grant funding for the next five years from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to facilitate community-engaged research addressing maternal …

Inaugural Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Award for graduate medical education goes to Department of Pediatrics research team to develop microaggressions training

The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation announced its inaugural Catalyst Awards for Transformation in Graduate Medical Education on January 10. Two faculty members of the Department of Pediatrics, co-principal investigators, received an award: Sushant Srinivasan, MD, …