December 3 was a special day in the University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics as our training programs and trainees learned the results of Fellowship Match Day 2024. Fellowship Match is a day to welcome …
New fellows join the Department of Pediatrics
This summer, the Department of Pediatrics welcomed 14 new fellows across nine fellowship programs. Our programs provide outstanding training to our fellows and prepare them to excel as sub-specialty clinicians, researchers, and leaders in academic …
Ellen Selkie named new director of pediatric fellowship programs
After two years as interim director of pediatric fellowship programs, Cathy Lee-Miller, MD, assistant professor and fellowship program director for the Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Bone Marrow Transplant, has handed the baton to a …
Christiana Ekezie awarded clinical fellowship from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Christiana Ekezie, MBBS, a third-year pediatrics resident who is graduating this month, was awarded a First/Second Year Clinical Fellowship from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The project begins July 1, 2023, and provides a total of …
Department set to observe Thank a Resident — and a Fellow — Day on February 24
It is understood without qualification or a second thought that residents and fellows deserve gratitude and thanks for their dedicated contributions to their Department of Pediatrics clinical teams. They put in long days (and often …
Fellowship Match Day 2022: Department of Pediatrics announces incoming fellows
The University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics celebrated fellowship match earlier this month. Seven of our own residents matched with fellowship programs across the country. Current UW pediatrics resident Tess Woodring, MD, matched with our …
Yaw Asamoa-Bonsu awarded inaugural Nathan Smith Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care
The first chair of the then named UW–Madison School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics, Nathan Smith, MD’45, served from 1957 to 1963. In 1987, an endowment for a fellowship in his name was established. Earlier …
Fellowship Match Day 2021: Department of Pediatrics announces incoming fellows
The University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics joins its pediatrics residents in celebrating their successful matches into fellowship programs across the country. Nine residents matched, including two residents who will continue their subspecialty training with …
Dr. Elizabeth Cox Named Associate Director of the Primary Care Research Fellowship
Elizabeth Cox, MD, PhD (Professor, Division of General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine) has accepted a role as Associate Director of the Primary Care Research Fellowship (T32), which is funded by HRSA and administered in the …