January 2: Thanks for the 1,700 letters to the editor we published in 2022 — please keep them coming Interview: Joseph (Joe) McBride, MD, assistant professor, Division of Infectious Diseases | Source: Wisconsin State Journal |
January 9: Urban air increasing asthma attacks Interview: Daniel (Dan) Jackson, MD, professor, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology | Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Also covered in: WXOW, WAOW |
January 11: Risk of cardiac arrest for kids in sports Interview: David Bernhardt, MD, professor and fellowship director, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Source: NBC 26 |
January 12: Mental health concerns for young students using social media Interview: Megan Moreno, MD, MSED, MPH, interim chair and professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Source: WISN |
January 18: Staying healthy around the winter season Interview: Joseph (Joe) McBride, MD, assistant professor, Division of Infectious Diseases | Source: NBC 26 |
January 19: Ask a doctor: New childhood obesity guidelines Interview: Kathryn Less, MD, assistant professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Source: WKOW |
January 25: Winter weather safety tips for kids Interview: Nicholas Kuehnel, MD, assistant professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, UW Health Kids medical director for quality and safety | Source: NBC 26 |