Allison Pollock, MD, received a $17,000 grant from Cars Curing Kids for her project entitled, “School Nurse Tele-mentoring Program: improving Diabetes Care in Schools.” In this 2-year project, she will work with nurse coordinators to develop a tele-mentoring program to help Wisconsin school nurses provide improved diabetes care to children using a “hub” (American Family Children’s Hospital), that hosts monthly teleconferences attended by providers, and “spokes” (school nurses across Wisconsin) framework. Presentation topics will include key diabetes care content as well as topics chosen by Wisconsin nurses via a statewide survey sent electronically. Goals of the grant are reduced number of missed school days per student with diabetes per year and increased confidence and knowledge assessment scores for nurse participants.
Megan Peters, MD, received a grant of $7,100 from Cars Curing Kids for use of portable nitrous oxide for sedation at American Family Children’s Hospital. This grant, also from the “Because of McKenah Fund” will support the purchase of equipment for the Pediatric Sedation Program. Congratulations!