Congratulations to Mala Mathur, MD, MPH, PI and Co-Investigators Cristina Delgadillo, MD, Jessica Babal, MD, Tim Chybowski, MD, and Megan Neuman, MD, for their $20,000 grant entitled, “Wisconsin State Medical Home Initiative: Shared Plans of Care Grant for ADHD.” In this one-year grant, from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on behalf of Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin’s Medical Home Initiative, the team aims to better understand the needs of families in managing a child with ADHD through the partnering of a youth and family member on the team and through focus groups; to identify through the pre and post surveys of families, what activities of the health care team are most valuable to families in the long term management of their child with ADHD; and to increase the number of families who understand the medical home through “Every Child Deserves a Medical Home” brochure that they we will create.
Mary Ehlenbach, MD, PI, and Ryan Coller, MD, MPH,Co-PI also received a one-year grant, from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on behalf of Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin’s Medical Home Initiative. Their $20,000 award is entitled, “Advancing family-centered care coordination for children and youth with special health care needs,” and will engage the Pediatric Complex Care Program to engage stakeholders and families to improve the shared care planning experience and documentation. Congratulations!