The Department of Pediatrics welcomes colleagues from across UW–Madison to join us with a joint or affiliate appointment. Our joint and affiliate faculty members are committed to improving child health and often serve as valuable mentors and collaborators. Both joint and affiliate faculty receive our departmental newsletter, Milestones, which highlights stories and updates relevant to pediatric providers and includes opportunities to connect with our department through professional development.
- Joint appointments are reserved for those who have split funding in the department. People with joint appointments receive limited voting rights.
- Affiliate appointments are available for those who do not currently have funding from our department. People with affiliate appointments do not have voting rights.
How to apply for joint and affiliate appointments
Use the Joint and Affiliate Appointment Self-Nomination Form to apply for a joint or affiliate appointment in the Department of Pediatrics. If you wish to nominate a colleague for a joint or affiliate appointment, please send them a link to the form.
Below is a list of people with joint and affiliate appointments in the Department of Pediatrics. Joint and affiliate faculty are members of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health unless otherwise noted.