DNA helix. Hi Tech technology in the field of genetic engineering. 3D illustration on a futuristic background

Medical Genetics & Genomics Training Programs

What are the Strengths of the UW Medical Genetics & Genomics Training Programs?

The UW Clinical Genetics Center

Training takes place at the University of Wisconsin Clinical Genetics Center, a robust partnership between the UW Department of Pediatrics, the Waisman Center, UW Hospital and Clinics and the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) Division of Disease Prevention. A model for comprehensive genetics care, the Center provides outstanding service delivery, including clinical outreach services, and trains a broad range of genetics professionals, including physicians, genetics counselors and laboratory specialists in cytogenetics, biochemical genetics and clinical molecular genetics.

Center for Human Genomics and Precision Medicine

The Center for Human Genomics and Precision Medicine became operational in 2018. Their mission is to catalyze research, clinical, and educational activities in human genomics and precision medicine; grow and nurture the UW human genomics and precision medicine community; and bring the benefits of precision medicine to all Wisconsinites.

UW Center for Rare Diseases, a NORD Rare Disease Center of Excellence

The UW Center for Rare Diseases provides comprehensive medical genetics and multispecialty services as well as state-of-the-art diagnostics and clinical trials for a broad spectrum of rare disease patients in Wisconsin, Northern Illinois and the rest of the country. The Center is recognized by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) as a Rare Disease Center of Excellence, making it a member of a highly select group of 40 sites around the country. The Centers of Excellence program was created by NORD with goals of fostering knowledge sharing between experts across the country, connecting patients to appropriate specialists regardless of disease or geography and accelerating progress in rare disease diagnosis, treatment and research.

Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

Our training programs are closely affiliated with the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH), the state’s public, environmental and occupational health laboratory. WSLH scientists and academic leaders offer quality services in an array of technical specialties, including clinical biochemical genetics, cytogenetics, and clinical molecular genetics. The WSLH also actively participates in the vibrant UW-Madison community, fostering partnerships with academic departments, performing vital human and environmental health research, and providing education and training in the areas of clinical, environmental, and occupational health and safety.

UW School of Medicine and Public Health Master of Genetic Counselor Studies

lnterprofessional partnerships are key to quality education and patient care. Our fellows are exposed to rigorous interprofessional educational offerings through a formal affiliation with the Master of Genetic Counselor Studies (MGCS). Residents, fellows, genetic counselors, and other health care providers learn together in didactic courses taught by experts in the field and supplemental activities.