Daniel Jackson inducted into the American Society for Clinical Investigation

Dr. Daniel JacksonOver the weekend of April 6, Daniel Jackson, MD, professor, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, was inducted into the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI). Founded in 1908, the ASCI is one of the nation’s oldest medical honor societies. It focuses on the special role of physician-scientists in research, clinical care, and medical education. “Each year, the ASCI Council considers membership nominations of several hundred physician-scientists — aged 50 years or younger — and recommends up to 100 candidates for election based on outstanding scholarly achievement.”

Jackson’s research addresses finding new methods of prevention and treatment of childhood asthma. He is the PI of the NIAID-funded Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings (CAUSE) Research Network Leadership Center, conducting novel studies of immune-based treatments for high-risk urban children. In addition, he is the PI of two NIH-funded trials targeting asthma prevention and a co-PI in the Children’s Respiratory and Environmental Workgroup (CREW) and Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone Asthma (PrecISE) Networks.