Congratulations to the Department of Pediatrics recipients of the 2014-15 Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship. These student researchers were awarded $3,000 and faculty mentors received $500 to sponsor the students’ independent research. Each student will …
Sorenson Research Group News
Dr. Chris Sorenson Named Retina Research Foundation/Daniel M. Albert Chair
Congratulations to Chris Sorenson, PhD, recently named the Retina Research Foundation/Daniel M. Albert Chair by the UW McPherson Eye Research Institute. This recognition comes with an annual award to support her research program, “apoptosis in …
Christine Sorenson, PhD, Receives Retina Research Foundation Award
Congratulations to Christine Sorenson, PhD, for her recent award of $25,000 from the Retina Research Foundation for her project, “Retinal Vessel Rarefaction and Bim Expression.” This proposal aims to determine whether Bim expression in astrocytes …
Christine Sorenson, PhD, Receives National Institutes of Health Award
Congratulations to Christine Sorenson, PhD, on her recent award from the National Institutes of Health – National Eye Institute (NIH-NEI). The R21 research grant of $413,875 over 2 years is for her project entitled, “Bcl-2 …
Christine Sorenson, PhD, Awarded Intercampus Research Incentive Grant
Congratulations to Christine Sorenson, PhD, for her recent award of $50,000 through the UW-Madison/UW-Milwaukee Intercampus Research Incentive Grant program, for her project “Oxidative Stress Detection in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD).” BPD is a major cause of …
Dr. Christine Sorenson Receives American Heart Association Midwest Grant-in-Aid Award
Christine Sorenson, PhD, was recently awarded $143,000 over 2 years for her project, “Thrombospondin1 and Diabetic Nephropathy” through the American Heart Association Midwest Grant-in-Aid program. The goal of this project is to understand the role …