Congratulations to the following four Pediatric faculty members and their laboratories who were each recently awarded one-year Fall Competition grants from the UW Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education: Marlowe Eldridge, …
Eldridge Research Group News
Dr Marlowe Eldridge: Mentoring Award-Winning Student Researchers
Every semester for 12 years, Marlowe Eldridge, MD, professor and chief of the Division of Pediatric Critical Care, has welcomed four to five undergraduate student researchers into his integrative cardiopulmonary physiology and pathophysiology lab. Students …
Kristin Haraldsdottir Wins American Physiological Society Abstract Award
Congratulations to Kristin Haraldsdottir, graduate student in the lab of Marlowe Eldridge, MD, who was selected to receive a Caroline tum Suden/Frances Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award, named in honor of Caroline tum Suden and Frances …
Research & Development Committee Awards Announced
The Department of Pediatrics Research and Development Committee recently awarded grants to six faculty members for the following projects: Awni Al-Subu, MD – UW Pediatric Critical Care Point-of-Care Ultrasound Program Pelin Cengiz, MD – Epigenetic …
Renovated Fourth-Floor Lab Opens
In May, the Department of Pediatrics opened its renovated research laboratory in the H4/4 module of University Hospital. Over the previous seven months, the lab space had been completely gutted and rebuilt to better meet …
Eldridge Lab Students Receive Awards
At the April 2016 Experimental Biology Meeting in San Diego, CA, three students in the laboratory of Marlowe Eldridge, MD, won several awards. Undergraduate students Adelaide (Atzie) Sobotik and Taylor Levin both received the David …
Research & Development Committee Awards Announced
The Department of Pediatrics Research and Development Committee recently awarded grants to thirteen faculty members for the following projects: Awni Al-Subu, MD – Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Incidence and Epidemiology (PARDIE) Study Pelin Cengiz, MD …
Marlowe Eldridge, MD, Receives Graduate School Fall Competition Award
Marlowe Eldridge, MD, was awarded $65,761 for his project entitled, “Cardiac contractile function and glucose metabolism in postmenopausal women during exercise: Effects of estrogen.” This one-year award from the UW Office of the Vice Chancellor …
Marlowe Eldridge, MD, Receives Additional Funding From NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Marlowe Eldridge, MD, was recently awarded a 1-year, $100,000 supplement to his R01, funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH-NHLBI). Dr. Eldridge will be working with Co-Investigator, Kara …
Dr. Andrew Watson Receives Award From UW Sports Medicine Classic Fund
Congratulations to Andrew Watson, MD, on his award of $25,000 from the UW Sports Medicine Classic Fund for his project, “Identifying the Mechanisms of Maturational Differences in Fitness Development in Children.” Although cardiovascular fitness has …