Congratulations to Christine Seroogy, MD, PI, and Mei Baker, MD, Co-PI, who were recently awarded a 3-year, $120,000 Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Grant for their project, “Development and Implementation of Rapid Genetic Test to Improve Health Outcomes in Wisconsin Plain Newborns.” The goal of this proposal is to develop and implement state-of-the-art genetic testing for Wisconsin Amish and Mennonite, collectively called Plain, newborns. Development of this testing will improve early diagnosis and treatment for disorders found at a higher frequency in these communities compared to the general population.
Tonya Roberts, PhD, RN (Nursing), and Elizabeth Cox, MD, PhD, were recently awarded a 2-year, $120,000 Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Grant for their project, “Engaging Families as Care Partners in Community Nursing Homes.” Funding for these awards is made possible through the generous gift to the UW-Madison from Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin through the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Congratulations!