Douglas Diekema, MD, a 1989 graduate of the UW Pediatrics Residency Program, received the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) William G. Bartholome Award for Ethical Excellence at its national meeting on October 13, 2014.
The Bartholome Award recognizes those who have significantly impacted public discussion of ethical issues in pediatric medicine. Dr. Diekema is a contributing author of the AAP’s Section on Bioethics’ case-based online modules for training residents and fellows, serves on the American Board of Pediatrics’ Ethics Committee, and is an editor of Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-Based Textbook.
Dr. Diekema is pediatric emergency medicine physician, director of education for the Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics at Seattle Childrens Hospital and professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine.