Grant Support

Current Grant Support

NIH/NEI, (R01 EY032543) “Neural Retina-Specific Bim Expression and Hyperoxia Sensitivity of the Developing Retinal Vasculature” (2021-2026). Sorenson, Co-Investigator

NIH/NEI (R01 EY030076), “VEGF antagonism and resistance to neovascular AMD” (2020-2024). Sorenson, PI

NIH/NCATS and University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (UL1 TR002373), “BIM polymorphisms impact on anti-VEGF therapy for neovascular AMD” (2019-2021). Sorenson, Pilot Grant PI

NIH/NEI & Northwestern University (R01 EY026078), “Investigating oxygen metabolism in diabetic retinopathy” (2016-2021). Sorenson, Co-Investigator

Completed Grants

WISELI/UW Office of Provost, “Bim, inflammation and neovascular age-related macular degeneration” (2019-2020). Sorenson, PI

Research to Prevent Blindness, “Targeting metabolic stress in retinal pericytes for treatment of diabetic retinopathy” (2017-2020).  Sorenson, Co-Investigator

Environmental Protection Agency, “Human models for analysis of pathways (human MAPs) center” (2014-2018).  Sorenson, Senior Scientist

NIH/NEI (R24 EY022883), “Novel antiangiogenic peptides for treatment of exudative AMD” (2013-2018).  Sorenson, Co-Investigator

NIH/NHLBI (R01 HL113870), “FGF signaling in lung maturation and response to injury” (2012-2017).  Sorenson, Co-Investigator

NIH/NEI (R21 EY023024), “Bcl-2 and ocular neovascularization” (2012-2015). Sorenson, PI

Retina Research Foundation, “Retinal vessel rarefaction and bim expression” (2013). Sorenson, PI

UW-Madison/UW-Milwaukee Intercampus Research Incentive Grant, “Oxidative stress detection in bronchopulmonary dysplasia” (2012-2013).  Sorenson, PI

NIH/NEI (RC4 EY021357), “Integrated multidisciplinary strategies for detection of diabetic retinopathies” (2010-2013).  Sorenson, Co-Investigator

American Heart Association (Grant-in-Aid), “Thrombospondin1 and diabetic nephropathy” (2009-2011). Sorenson, PI

NIH/NIDDK (R01 DK067120), “BCL-2 & branching morphogenesis” (2005-2011).  Sorenson, PI

NIH/NIDDK (P50 DK065303), “The role of BCL-2 during development and branching morphogenesis of the prostate” (2004-2005).  Sorenson, Pilot Grant PI

American Heart Association (Beginning Grant-in-Aid), “Cell adhesive mechanisms in renal maturation and cyst formation” (2003-2005).  Sorenson, PI