Current Support
Completed Support
The Hartwell Foundation, “Application of Cellular-Derived Therapies for the Regeneration of Lung Structure and Function” (2018-2021). Balasubramaniam, PI
DHHS (T72 MC00008), “Pediatric Pulmonary Center (PPC)” (2015-2020). Balasubramaniam, PI
UW Foundation, “eHomeCare – an innovative health care delivery support system for homecare nurses” (2018-2019). Balasubramaniam, Co-Investigator
NIH/NHLBI (R01 HL122406), “Respiratory deficiencies in congenital diaphragmatic hernia” (2015-2017). Balasubramaniam, Co-Investigator
NIH/NCATS & UW-Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (UL1 TR000427), “Platform for investigating structure-function associations during lung development” (2015-2017). Balasubramaniam, Collaborator
Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, “Endothelial progenitor cells in down syndrome” (2013-2014). Balasubramaniam, PI
Colorado Center for Women’s Health Research, “The effects of endurance exercise training for primary prevention of endothelial dysfunction with estrogen deficiency in women” (2012-2014). Balasubramaniam, Co-Investigator
NIH/CMIP, “Collaboration in the development of novel polymerization enhanced immunofluorescence” (2011-2014). Balasubramaniam, Consultant
NIH/NHLBI, “Genetic basis for impaired angiogenic signaling in BPD” (2008-2013). Balasubramaniam, Consultant
NIH/NHLBI (R01 HL089262), “Non-resident lung angiogenic precursor cells in bronchopulmonary dysplasia” (2008-2012). Balasubramaniam, PI
INO Therapeutics, “The role of nitric oxide in lung vascular development” (2006-2009). Balasubramaniam, PI
American Thoracic Society, “Role of endothelial progenitor cells in the development of BPD” (2007-2008). Balasubramaniam, PI
The Children’s Hospital Research Institute, “Quantification and analysis of endothelial progenitor cells in term and preterm umbilical cord blood” (2007-2008). Balasubramaniam, PI
NIH/NHLBI (K08 HL073893), “The role of vascular endothelial growth factor and nitric oxide in lung vascular development” (2003-2008). Balasubramaniam, PI
INO Therapeutics, “The role of nitric oxide in lung vascular development” (2004-2006). Balasubramaniam, PI