The Midwest Society for Pediatric Research (MSPR) held its annual meeting at Lurie Children’s Hospital last week and the UW-Madison Department of Pediatrics was well represented. Members from all levels of the UW-Madison Department of Pediatrics attended and presented at the meeting including the following abstract presentations:
•Adam Bauer, Pamela Kling, Vera Tskenova, Ethan Rosen, Elizabeth Petty. The Impact of a Research Concentration Program on Medical Student Research in Pediatrics.
•Dinushan Kaluarachchi, Victoria Brocksmith, David Allen, Jens Eickhoff, Sandra Dawe, Mei Baker. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Reference Ranges for Moderate to Late Preterm Infants.
•Nur Aycan, Nazli Deveci, Pinar Kemanli, Burak Ozaydin, Margaret B. Hackett, Dila Zafer, Nur Sena Cagatay, Ela Bicki, Onur Taparli, Karyn Frick, Jon Levine, Pelin Cengiz. ER alpha dependent TrkB receptor mediated signaling recovers anxiety, cognition and memory in female mice only following perinatal HIE.
•Nazli Deveci, Dila Zafer, Pinar Kemanli, Margaret Hackett, Nur Aycan, Burak Ozaydin, Basak Mert, Alexandra Anagnostopoulos, Robinson Goy, Amita Kapoor, Peter Ferrazzano, Jon Levine, Pelin Cengiz. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy increases estradiol and testosterone contents only in the female hippocampi.
•William Genthe, Giangela Stokes, Maria Brix, Julia Wynn, Yufeng Shen, Wendy Chung, David McCulley. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia-Associated Gene SIN3A is Required for Diaphragm Formation and Lung Development.
•Luke Richard, Matthew Harer. The effect of caffeine on renal tissue oxygenation in preterm neonates.
•Megan Roedel, Katie Hensel, Jens Eickhoff, Lisa Cadmus-Bertram, Aaron Carrel, Kristen Marten, Nicole St Clair. Participation in School-Age Triathlons Improves Parental Perceptions of Children’s Self-Confidence: Results from a Tri 4 Schools Study.
•Ethan Rosen, Daniel Adu, Laura Ziebarth, Sally Norlin, Pamela Kling. Predictors of Outcomes for Small for Gestational Age Neonates in the NICU.
•Giangela Stokes, Ashley Doherty, William Genthe, Maria Brix, David McCulley. PBX1 is required for diaphragm formation and postnatal alveologenesis.
•Stephanie Syu, Windy Smith, Kirsten Koffarnus, Whitney Horsley, Holly Walker, Daniel Sklansky, Kristen Shadman, Michelle Kelly. Quality Improvement Initiative: Infant CPR Education for Caregivers of Patients Admitted for BRUE.
•Natalie Tedford, Sudarshawn Damodharan, Nicholas Kuehnel. Implementation and Evaluation of a Pediatric Observation Unit Using Condition Specific Guidelines.
•Brandon Tomlin, Ryan McAdams, Dinushan Kaluarachchi. Comparison of African American and White Infant Mortality Rates in Wisconsin Using Direct Adjustment Method.
•Samantha Williams Al-Kharusy, Nirali Bora, Mario Cesario. ACE Screening and Psychosocial Resources in Children.
•Ben Zellmer, Ryan Coller, Shannon Dean, Daniel Sklansky, Windy Smith, Catherine Arnott Smith, Peter Hoonakker, Carley Sprackling, Brad Ehlenfeldt, Michelle Kelly. Sharing Physicians’ Notes with Parents of Hospitalized Children: Preliminary results.
Congratulations to all the presenters and abstract authors for their outstanding contributions to improve the health of children in Wisconsin and in the Midwest Region! Special mention to award winners Brandon Tomlin, MD (PL3 Resident), recipient of the Stanley Phillips Best Poster Award – given in honor of the University of Wisconsin’s Neonatology Fellow Stanley Phillips, MD, and William Genthe (McCulley Research Group), recipient of the MSPR Student Presentation Award.
The Midwest SPR will hold its 2020 annual meeting at Lurie with abstract submission and meeting dates that will be announced shortly. Hope to see everyone again next year! If you are new to the MSPR, check out their webpage. The mission of the Midwest SPR is to further pediatric research in the Midwest by highlighting scientific discovery, fostering collaborations, and promoting academic career development from trainees to senior faculty. Through our strong mentorship networks and our annual meeting, we provide our members a unique way to develop significant, interactive, and supportive scientific and academic connections with other researchers across the Midwest region. The meeting is a fantastic venue for trainees and junior faculty to present their work and establish a regional reputation. It is also a great way to develop collaborations with investigators at nearby institutions.