Congratulations to Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH, who was recently awarded a New Investigator Grant from the Partnership Education and Research Committee (PERC) of the Wisconsin Partnership Program. This 2-year grant in the amount of $150,000, will support the project, “Addressing Black Infant Mortality in Wisconsin through a Collaborative Health Equity Approach to Community-Based, Group Prenatal Care and Infant Support.” This project aims to reduce current birth outcome inequities that exist in Wisconsin, and brings together community-based groups, investigators, healthcare providers, and pregnant mothers to implement and investigate a novel approach that combines aspects of three evidence-based models and builds upon emerging evidence about how to effectively implement and sustain prenatal care interventions in Black communities. Uniting the three models of: 1) community-based doula programs, 2) group-based models of prenatal care such as Centering Pregnancy, and 3) community-based pregnancy and inter conception support groups, this project will undertake a novel approach entitled, Today Not Tomorrow Pregnancy and Infant Support Program (TNT-PISP). The TNT-PISP approach is based on increasing evidence that models of prenatal care that are community driven, group based, culturally relevant, family centered, and include enhanced social support have the potential to significantly decrease African American prematurity rates and improve other maternal and infant health measures.