In the summer of 2018, the Department of Pediatrics embarked on a strategic planning process to guide its growth over the coming years.
Our goal for this initiative, which we’re undertaking in partnership with the University of Wisconsin Office of Strategic Consulting, is to foster connectedness, and find ways to innovate and enhance our clinical work, teaching and research in line with the goals of UW Health.
Department Chair Ellen Wald, MD, will talk about our accomplishments over the last few years and next steps at a State of the Department presentation on January 31, 2019—mark your calendar!
Recap of Work to Date
View all strategic planning updates on Department of Pediatrics intranet (DoP login required).
- August: We sent an anonymous, 10-question environmental scan survey to all faculty, staff and learners. It asked for broad input on the current state of the department, individual values, creative ideas for transformation and ways to get there, and visions for the future. We had a 37 percent response rate to that survey, which was well above the expected average.
- September and October: The survey results revealed many positive aspects of the department, as well as some areas for improvement. We shared a summary across the department via e-mail. Read the environmental scan summary (DoP login required).
Dr. Wald also discussed the survey results at a faculty meeting and at a staff Brown Bag, and asked for staff volunteers to serve on the strategic planning steering committee. View list of steering committee members (DoP login required).
- November: The steering committee participated in a practical vision workshop to identify the department’s overarching priorities. Themes include education, advocacy, well-being and professionalism, quality healthcare and discovery and innovation.
- December: The steering committee reviewed those overarching priorities. It also began to draft mission and vision statements and core values for the department.
Next Steps and What You Can Do
In late January, the steering committee will hold another workshop to identify barriers that might prevent the department from reaching its vision.
Later in 2019, it will determine strategies for overcoming those barriers, and from there, create an action plan to make progress toward the department’s vision.
Watch for updates via email and in future issues of Milestones.
We’ll also have updates and opportunities to engage in discussion at staff brown bags and faculty meetings. Those dates will be announced regularly via e-mail.
If you have comments or concerns, you can always talk anytime with any member of the strategic planning steering committee.