The following eleven students and their mentors were recently awarded Shapiro Summer Research Awards. The Shapiro Summer Research Program provides opportunities for more than 60 first-year medical students to participate in eight- to 12-week summer research projects with UW-Madison faculty members. First-year medical students apply at the beginning of each calendar year with basic science, clinical, translational, public health, or health systems projects. Funding for the program comes from the Herman and Gwendolyn Shapiro Foundation, with additional support from SMPH departments and centers and investigator grants. Congratulations to the following faculty and students:
- Ryan Coller, MD, MPH and Mary Ehlenbach, MD – student Allison Nackers: “Evaluation of Preventable Hospitalizations in Children with Medical Complexity”
- James Conway, MD and Stephanie Koning – student Collin Lash: “Evaluating the Intergenerational Effects of Maternal Stressful Life Events on Child Development in Chang Mai Province, Thailand”
- James Conway, MD and Stephanie Koning – student Kaylee Scott: “Assessing the Relationship Between Human Rights Violations and Maternal Health Outcomes in Village Women of Chiang Mai Province, Thailand”
- Michael Kim, MD – student Connie Wu: “Trends in ED Evaluation of Pediatric Patients with Mental Health Complaints”
- Pamela Kling, MD – student Micaela Zywicki: “Improving Diagnosis and Treatment of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Infants and Toddlers”
- Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi, MD, OD – student Aaron Anderson: “Investigating the Use of Education on Diet and Medical Co-morbidities to Reduce Cataract Surgery Screening Failure in a Rural Community in Imo State, Nigeria”
- Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi, MD, OD – student Christina Friedl: “Use of E-learning Applications to Improve Quality of Life in Patients with Cataracts in Imo State, Nigeria”
- Jennifer Rehm, MD and Pamela Kling, MD – student Shoshana Rudin: “Effects of Diet and Inflammation on Disordered Iron Metabolism on Obese Adolescents”
- Kristin Shadman, MD – student Patrick ODonnell: “Characterizing Feeding Practices for Pediatric Patients on High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)”
- Paul Sondel, MD, PhD – student Ari Stone: “Effect of Innate and Adaptive Immunotherapies on Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell Populations in a Mouse Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Model”
- Sarah Webber, MD – student Camila Khan: “Community Health Worker Led Postpartum Support Group for Latino Mothers and Infants”