Tutorial C: Patterns and Distribution

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


Annular lesions are seen in a ring shape. Tinea corporis, erythema migrans (the lesion associated with lyme disease), and granuloma annulare are three common examples.

This patient has tinea corporis in a classic annular pattern.
This patient has tinea corporis in a classic annular pattern.


Discrete lesions tend to remain separate. This is a helpful descriptive term but has little specific diagnostic significance.

This 8-year-old boy has the vesicles of varicella in a discrete pattern.
This 8-year-old boy has the vesicles of varicella in a discrete pattern.


Clustered lesions are those that are grouped together. They are commonly seen in herpes simplex or with insect bites, for example.

These vesicles in an 8-year-old boy with varicella are clustered on the posterior thigh.
These vesicles in an 8-year-old boy with varicella are clustered on the posterior thigh.

The vesicles of herpes simplex in this 9-year-old girl are both confluent and clustered.
The vesicles of herpes simplex in this 9-year-old girl are both confluent and clustered.


Confluent lesions tend to run together.

In this 11-year-old girl, vesicles of herpes simplex have run together and become confluent.
In this 11-year-old girl, vesicles of herpes simplex have run together and become confluent.

In this 12-year-old boy with Kawasaki disease, the macular lesions have become confluent in his neck.
In this 12-year-old boy with Kawasaki disease, the macular lesions have become confluent in his neck.

The vesicles of herpes simplex in this 9-year-old girl are both confluent and clustered.
The vesicles of herpes simplex in this 9-year-old girl are both confluent and clustered.


Dermatomal, zosteriform lesions follow a dermatome. The lesions of varicella zoster (also known as shingles) are the classic example, but there are other lesions that may assume the same pattern.

Here is the classic lesion of varicella zoster following the dermatome T7 in this 12-year-old boy.
Here is the classic lesion of varicella zoster following the dermatome T7 in this 12-year-old boy.

 In this example the patient has nevi which follow a dermatome in a zosteriform nevus.
In this example the patient has nevi which follow a dermatome in a zosteriform nevus.


Eczematoid lesions are inflamed with a tendency toward clustering, oozing, or crusting.

This patient has atopic dermatitis. The patient has weeping, scaling, and crusting.
This patient has atopic dermatitis. The patient has weeping, scaling, and crusting.

This 7-year-old boy has atopic dermatitis in his antecubital fossa.
This 7-year-old boy has atopic dermatitis in his antecubital fossa.


It is sometimes helpful to determine if lesions specifically involve the hair follicle.

This 10-year-old boy has a common finding of the skin, keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris is caused by large cornified plugs in the upper part of hair follicles.
This 10-year-old boy has a common finding of the skin, keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris is caused by large cornified plugs in the upper part of hair follicles.

The pustules that this 10-year-old boy has are all centered around hair follicles. He has folliculitis.
The pustules that this 10-year-old boy has are all centered around hair follicles. He has folliculitis.


Guttate lesions look as though someone took a dropper and dropped this lesion on the skin. Guttate lesions are characteristic of one form of psoriasis, though that is not the only example.

This 18-year-old male has one form of psoriasis known as guttate psoriasis.
This 18-year-old male has one form of psoriasis known as guttate psoriasis.

Iris or Target

This 15-year-old boy has erythema multiforme and a target lesion.
This 15-year-old boy has erythema multiforme and a target lesion.

This 12-year-old boy has target lesions that are associated with Kawasaki disease.
This 12-year-old boy has target lesions that are associated with Kawasaki disease.

Koebner Phenomenon

The Koebner phenomenon, also called the isomorphic response, refers to the appearance of lesions along a site of injury. This phenomenon is seen in a variety of conditions; for example, lichen planus, warts, molluscum contagiosum, psoriasis, lichen nitidus, and the systemic form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

This patient with psoriasis has the scaly psoriatic lesions along the line of a ventral hernia repair.
This patient with psoriasis has the scaly psoriatic lesions along the line of a ventral hernia repair.

This 10-year-old girl with the systemic form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has the salmon colored rash where she scratched herself.
This 10-year-old girl with the systemic form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has the salmon colored rash where she scratched herself.


Linear lesions occur in a line or band-like configuration. This descriptive term may apply to a wide variety of disorders. (One should be certain that the lesions are not following a dermatome.)

This patient is a 3-year-old boy and has the characteristic linear streaking associated with the lesion of lichen striatus.
This patient is a 3-year-old boy and has the characteristic linear streaking associated with the lesion of lichen striatus.

This patient has poison ivy dermatitis with the classic and helpful finding of a linear streak of vesicles, where the rash-producing resin from the plant brushed against his leg.
This patient has poison ivy dermatitis with the classic and helpful finding of a linear streak of vesicles, where the rash-producing resin from the plant brushed against his leg.

This 18-year-old young man has lymphangitis from an infected lesion on his foot, with linear streaking following the line of the lymph system.
This 18-year-old young man has lymphangitis from an infected lesion on his foot, with linear streaking following the line of the lymph system.


Patients with multiform lesions have lesions of a variety of shapes.

This patient (a 13-month-old baby girl) with erythema multiforme (the paradigm of conditions with multiform lesions) has target lesions, urticarial lesions, and annular lesions.
This patient (a 13-month-old baby girl) with erythema multiforme (the paradigm of conditions with multiform lesions) has target lesions, urticarial lesions, and annular lesions.


Reticular or net-like lesions can be seen in a variety of circumstances; e.g., very commonly in newborns (or even grown children and adults) as cutis marmorata, or with livedo reticularis. The former fades as the skin is warmed the latter becomes more florid.

 This 7-year-old boy has the marble-like (marmoreal) appearance of the skin of cutis marmorata.
This 7-year-old boy has the marble-like (marmoreal) appearance of the skin of cutis marmorata.

This 14-year-old girl has livedo reticularis.
This 14-year-old girl has livedo reticularis.


Serpiginous lesions wander as though following the track of a snake.

The urticaria in this 5-year-old boy have followed a very serpiginous route.
The urticaria in this 5-year-old boy have followed a very serpiginous route.


Universalis refers to a widespread disorder that affects the entire skin.

This 2-1/2-year-old boy has alopecia universalis. He has the complete absence of hair on his body, including the absence of eyelashes and eyebrows.
This 2-1/2-year-old boy has alopecia universalis. He has the complete absence of hair on his body, including the absence of eyelashes and eyebrows.


Scarlatiniform rashes have the pattern of scarlet fever. The patient with a scarlatiniform rash has innumerable small red papules that are widely and diffusely distributed. Note that the term scarlatiniform does not mean that the patient has scarlet fever, although by definition all patients with scarlet fever have a scarlatiniform rash. Patients with a variety of other conditions such as Kawasaki disease, viral infections, or drug reactions may have rashes with the same pattern.

The scarlatiniform rash in this 5-year-old boy is associated with scarlet fever.
The scarlatiniform rash in this 5-year-old boy is associated with scarlet fever.

The pinpoint papules of scarlet fever show clearly on the skin of this 6-year-old girl.
The pinpoint papules of scarlet fever show clearly on the skin of this 6-year-old girl.

This 34-month-old boy has a scarlatiniform rash from serum sickness.
This 34-month-old boy has a scarlatiniform rash from serum sickness.

Strawberry Tongue

Patients with scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease or other conditions may develop a distinctive appearance of their tongues. Because of its resemblance to the well-known berry, the appearance is called “strawberry tongue.” Since this eruption is on a mucus membrane, it is called an enanthem.

This 3-year-old boy with scarlet fever has a strawberry tongue.
This 3-year-old boy with scarlet fever has a strawberry tongue.


The term “morbilliform” means that the patient has a rash that looks like measles. Patients with measles will have the rash but patients with Kawasaki disease, drug reactions, or other conditions may also have a morbilliform rash. The rash consists of macular lesions that are red and are usually 2-10 mm in diameter but may be confluent in places.

This 12-year-old girl has a morbilliform rash from the disease measles.
This 12-year-old girl has a morbilliform rash from the disease measles.

The morbilliform rash in this 8-year-old boy is caused by a drug reaction to dilantin. The rash has become confluent beneath his figure-of-eight splint.
The morbilliform rash in this 8-year-old boy is caused by a drug reaction to dilantin. The rash has become confluent beneath his figure-of-eight splint.


The term is commonly used to describe a portion of the rash of cutaneous candidiasis in which a beefy red plaque may be found surrounded by numerous, smaller red macules located adjacent to the body of the main lesions.

This infant has the satellite lesions of candidal diaper dermatitis.
This infant has the satellite lesions of candidal diaper dermatitis.

Patterns of Intentional or Unintentional Injury

One important category of skin lesions involve the form that skin lesions may take in cases of child abuse or other intentional injury (bite marks, slap marks, strap marks, burns, etc.) or in cases of unintentional injury. Abrasions are traumatically caused erosions.

This 12-year-old boy has abrasions after a rollerblading mishap.
This 12-year-old boy has abrasions after a rollerblading mishap.

The circular punched-out ulcer on the buttocks of this 12 month old is the distinctive and important-to-recognize lesion caused by a cigarette burn.
The circular punched-out ulcer on the buttocks of this 12 month old is the distinctive and important-to-recognize lesion caused by a cigarette burn.

This 7-year-old boy has linear ecchymosis where his shoulder harness held him in during an automobile crash.
This 7-year-old boy has linear ecchymosis where his shoulder harness held him in during an automobile crash.

The bruise behind the ear in this 8-year-old male is associated with a basilar skull fracture and is called Battle sign.
The bruise behind the ear in this 8-year-old male is associated with a basilar skull fracture and is called Battle sign.