In 2015, Dr. James DeLine founded the Center for Special Children to care for Amish and Old Order Mennonite people in the state of Wisconsin. Throughout his practice, Dr. DeLine had encountered many rare genetic conditions leading to his collaboration with specialists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The genetic work has brought together the State Laboratory of Hygiene and clinicians from the School of Medicine and Public Health.
The State Laboratory of Hygiene has developed fast, low-cost diagnostic tests for more than 30 conditions. Funding for these tests came from grants from the Wisconsin Partnership Program in the School of Medicine and Public Health. Vanessa Horner, director of cytogenetic services and molecular genetics, and Mei Baker, MD, co-director of the newborn screening at the State Laboratory of Hygiene, are among those working to develop these tests. Christine Seroogy, MD is one of the many clinicians who provide clinical services for the Center for Special Children working to diagnose and treat these conditions.