Tyler was the 8 1/2-pound, first-born child of a Baraboo, Wisconsin couple. His mother had a normal pregnancy and routine delivery, and after a standard hospital stay, the new family returned home. But on the …
Dr. Sondel and AFCH Awarded Grant for “Hope on Wheels”
Congratulations to Paul Sondel, MD, PhD and the American Family Children’s Hospital on their recent grant of $100,000 from Hyundai “Hope on Wheels” to support neuroblastoma research focusing on personalized medicine. On September 8, 2010 …
Education Helps Grow Fit Kids
Department of Pediatrics Associate Professor Aaron Carrel, MD, has a big mission: to prevent obesity and diabetes, and promote fitness, in children. As a physician, researcher, and ultimately an educator, he has found innovative ways …
Infants Exposed to Dogs Less Likely to Develop Allergic Diseases
For many children, a beloved cat or dog is as much a part of the family as Mom, Dad, brother, or sister. But for others, a furry pet means wheezing, eczema, rhinitis, or other allergic …
Bikash Pattnaik, PhD, Awarded UW-ICTR Funding
Bikash Pattnaik, PhD, was awarded $50,000 from the University of Wisconsin-Institute of Clinical and Translational Research (UW-ICTR), funded by the National Institutes of Health, for his project, “Human RPE cell electrophysiology to model eye-disease.” This …
Dr. Ellen Wald Receives Thrasher Research Fund Project Funding
Ellen Wald, MD, received $355,569 from the Thrasher Research Fund for her 3-year project, “Short (5 days) versus Long (14 days) Duration of Antimicrobial Therapy for Acute Bacterial Sinusitis in Children. The objective of this …
Bikash Pattnaik, PhD, Receives the Professor Biswambar Rajguru Oration Award
Congratulations to Bikash Pattnaik, PhD, who was unanimously selected as the 2010 awardee of the Professor Biswambar Rajguru Oration award from the Orissa State Ophthalmological Society, India. This is only the second time this award …
Dr. Philip Giampietro Receives Scoliosis Research Society Funding
Philip Giampietro, MD, PhD, received $100,000 from the Scoliosis Research Society for his 2-year project, “Identification of a Locus for Idiopathic Scoliosis on Chromosome 12p.” The long-term goal of this project is to define the …
Christine Seroogy, MD, Awarded UW-ICTR Funding
Christine Seroogy, MD, was recently awarded $50,000 from the University of Wisconsin-Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (UW-ICTR), funded by the National Institutes of Health. Her project, “T Regulatory Cells and Childhood Asthma,” hypothesizes that …
Deirdre Burns, MD, Named Top Pediatrician in Madison in Star of Madison Awards
Congratulations to Deirdre Burns, MD, who finished first in the recently held Star of Madison Awards sponsored by the Wisconsin State Journal (WSJ). Dr. Burns was named the top pediatrician in Madison by voters and …