Congratulations to Yury Bochkov, PhD, who was recently awarded an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH/NIAID) for his project titled “Mechanisms of Enhanced Neutralizing Antibody Responses to Rhinovirus C.” This five-year, $3.9 million award will allow Dr. Bochkov, along with Co-Investigators James Gern, MD and Daniel Jackson, MD, as well as Ronald Gangnon, PhD, from the Departments of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics and Population Health Sciences, to identify host and viral determinants of neutralizing antibody responses, determine antigenic cross-reactivity between rhinovirus C (RV-C) types, and map major neutralizing immunogenic epitopes. The ultimate goal of this project is to enable formulation of a broadly protective multivalent RV-C vaccine, to be used in the prevention and treatment of wheezing illnesses and exacerbations of asthma in young children.