March 1: NBC 26 Today with adolescent health expert Dr. Paula Cody Interview: Paula Cody, MD, MPH, associate professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Source: NBC 26 March 7: Strep throat has …
Media Mentions
Amy Peterson featured in news media for message on cholesterol screening for kids
Most adults know they should get their cholesterol checked, and many people know their “numbers.” But should children be screened for cholesterol? Amy Peterson, MD, MS, associate professor, Division of Cardiology, who founded and directs UW …
Pediatrics faculty share expertise: February 2023
February 1: UW Health interview with Dr. Ellen Selkie Interview: Ellen Selkie, MD, MPH, assistant professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Source: NBC 26 February 2: Ask a doc: Wisconsin’s preterm birth …
Pediatrics faculty share expertise: January 2023
January 2: Thanks for the 1,700 letters to the editor we published in 2022 — please keep them coming Interview: Joseph (Joe) McBride, MD, assistant professor, Division of Infectious Diseases | Source: Wisconsin State Journal …
Study points to urban air pollution as asthma trigger
In a recently published study, researchers Daniel Jackson, MD, professor, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, and Matthew C. Altman, MD, University of Washington, two among the group of authors, showed that children with asthma …
Pediatrics faculty share expertise: December 2022
December 1: Toy safety ahead of the holidays Interview: Kathryn Less, MD, assistant professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Source: WKOW-TV Also covered in: WKOW December 2: Child flu, RSV, COVID symptoms; …
Pediatrics faculty share expertise: November 2022
University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics faculty are at the forefront of media coverage as local, state, and national journalists seek out experts on the topics of child health, parenting, vaccinations, and COVID-19, to name …
With a new interactive book for young people, Jasmine Zapata promotes resilience
Adolescence and young adulthood are often difficult periods. Since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, however, rates of anxiety and depression among young people worldwide have more than doubled. Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH, …
Be wary in the woods: An endemic Wisconsin fungus can cause serious respiratory illness
For more than 30 years, Bruce Klein, MD, professor and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, with appointments in the Departments of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Medicine, and his research team have been …
Pediatrics faculty share expertise: October 2022
University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics faculty are at the forefront of media coverage as local, state, and national journalists seek out experts on the topics of child health, parenting, vaccinations, and COVID-19, to name …