Seminars in Pediatrics 2020

Virtual Seminar & Lectures | Friday, October 16, 2020

Seminars in Pediatrics highlights the latest trends in pediatric research and clinical practice and provides physicians, nurses and other primary care providers with up-to-date information on developments in the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent diseases. The theme of this year’s virtual event is Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health.

How to Register


Available Credit

  • 7.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 7.00 ANCC Contact Hours
  • 7.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours

About Seminars

Seminars in Pediatrics is provided annually by the University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics, the American Family Children’s Hospital, and the University of Wisconsin Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP).

Schedule & Lecture Details


WelcomeMala Mathur, MD, MPH


From Policy Statement to Practice: Integrating Social Needs Assessment and Outreach in Health Care Delivery, Kevin P. Fiori, MD, MSc, MPH

In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement on poverty and child health, which recommended that providers “screen for risk factors within social determinants of health during patient encounters.” However, translating this policy recommendation in routine care is challenging especially with limited evidence-based practice guidance to inform providers. This presentation will provide an overview of Montefiore Health System’s experience integrating standardized social needs assessments and linkage to resources in over 20 primary practices, share practical lessons learned, and discuss next steps and needed research on how health systems can support families with unmet social needs.


Coping With Grief: Supporting Children, Parents, and Providers, Ryan M. McAdams, MD

The impact of grief from disease, disparities, and death on children, parents, and providers can be profound. As pediatric providers, we often need to provide guidance and support to children and families who are grieving. We are also susceptible to grief, which may affect our abilities to perform in a sustainable, high-functioning, effective manner. This presentation will describe sources of grief, the effects of grief, and ways to cope with grief. We will discuss the unique challenges facing children in communities characterized by poverty and toxic stress. This presentation will help pediatric providers identify factors that may hinder normal grieving and provide advice on strategies to promote resilience.




More Than Just Wheezing: Management of Childhood Asthma Begins With Addressing Where our Patients Grow, Live, Learn, and Play, Sima K. Ramratnam, MD, MPH

Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood and is one of the main reasons for outpatient and emergency room visits, hospitalizations, high health care costs, and missed school days. There are significant disparities in asthma prevalence and outcomes by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Numerous studies have suggested that social determinants of health, such as the physical environment, neighborhood characteristics, family relationships, education, and access to health services impacts the health of children with asthma. It is vital to identify these social determinants of health in order to address the disparities in asthma outcomes across populations, but doing so can be difficult to integrate into clinical practice. This presentation will review how to identify and address the social determinants of health in the care of children with asthma in a clinical setting.


Children’s Exposure to Environmental Pollutants . . . What’s a Pediatrician’s Role, Elizabeth J. Neary, MD, MS

Parents often ask their pediatrician questions about the chemicals that their children are being exposed to, from pesticides to contaminants in water. This presentation will prepare you to answer those questions by updating your knowledge of current and emerging environmental issues that impact the health of children. This presentation will also review recent research, offer practical tips for advising parents, and provide resources for your continuing education in environmental health.


Lunch/Online Vendor and Community Health Partners Luncheon


Two Minutes, Two Slides, David T. Bernhardt, MD (Moderator)


Racism as a Social Determinant of Health: An Interactive Panel Discussion, Jasmine Y. Zapata, MD, MPH

Please join us for this thought-provoking discussion facilitated by pediatrician and preventive medicine physician Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH. She will be joined by a panel of community stakeholders to discuss 1) the lived experience of minority patients and families as it relates to racism as a social determinant of health; 2) strategies for dismantling racism both within the health care system and in our communities; and 3) how healing can take place between the health care community and those who have experienced racial trauma.


COVID-19 in Pediatrics: Droplets, Disease, and Disparities, Gregory P. DeMuri, MD

The current epidemiology and pathogenesis of pandemic coronavirus in children will be discussed. Up-to-date information on diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 will be presented. Disparities in the clinical and social effects of this pandemic on children will be discussed.


Closing Remarks, Mala Mathur, MD, MPH