The Conway Research Group is conducting several studies looking at vaccine effectiveness and the use of the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR).
ORegon CHild Absenteeism due to Respiratory Disease Study (OCHARDS)
The primary goal of this project is to create and evaluate an influenza surveillance system using cause-specific school absenteeism rates. The proposed system will bring together low-cost, low-complexity rapid influenza testing of students absent due to an acute respiratory illness, molecular confirmation of the rapid test, and comparison of the system with multiple established, well-functioning, and concentric influenza surveillance systems. Should this system be found timely, sensitive and specific for influenza outbreaks in a community, it could be easily translated to other school districts and settings. This project will also assess the effectiveness of currently available influenza vaccine is protecting exposed children and preventing transmission.
Surveillance for Rates of Pertussis Disease Among Persons Birth through 59 Months of Age Receiving Pentacel® and among Persons Vaccinated with Other Pertussis Vaccines
Pertussis disease remains endemic in the United States, despite widespread use of safe and effective acellular pertussis vaccines for the immunization of infants, toddlers, and pre-school children. Pentacel® vaccine is a combination vaccine designed to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliovirus, and Haemophilus influenzae type b diseases. In June 2008, Pentacel® vaccine was licensed in the US for use among children. The purpose of this post-licensure cohort study is to determine how much pertussis disease occurs after being immunized among Wisconsin residents younger than 60 months of age and to compare the proportion of children vaccinated with Pentacel® vaccine who acquire pertussis disease to the proportion of children vaccinated with any other combined diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine who acquire pertussis disease.
Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) Validation Project
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the immunization information in the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR).
Characteristics of Patients Who Receive Influenza and/or Pneumococcal Vaccination as Part of a Pharmacist-managed Inpatient Immunization Program
This project is evaluating the potential risk of readmission when surgical patients receive an influenza and/or pneumococcal vaccine during an inpatient stay; characterizing patient outcomes after receiving influenza and/or pneumococcal vaccination as part of a pharmacist-managed inpatient immunization program; and determining factors that may be associated with an increased readmission risk.
Vaccine Hesitancy and the Role of School Entry Requirements in Improving Immunization Coverage Rates
Given the increasing hesitancy to immunize among some of the public, and the ease with which families can obtain exemption from school entry requirements, one component of our work focuses on understanding immunization decision-making and advocacy activities.
Completed Projects
Improving Pertussis Surveillance by Investigating Individuals with Negative Pertussis PCR Results
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