Congratulations to PI Ismail Zaitoun, PhD, associate scientist, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (DOVS), and Co-Investigators, Nader Sheibani, PhD, professor, DOVS, Christine Sorenson, PhD, distinguished scientist, Neonatology and Newborn Nursery, and Bikash Pattnaik, PhD, professor, Neonatology and Newborn Nursery, who received a five-year $2,129,940 award from National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute. The goal of their project, “Neural retina-specific bim expression and hyperoxia sensitivity of the developing retinal vasculature,” is to determine the molecular and cellular contribution of retinal neurons to the hyperoxia sensitivity of the developing retinal vasculature, as occurs in premature babies. Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation from preexisting capillaries, is required for proper development of the embryonic circulatory system and is associated with the pathogenesis of several eye diseases. Currently, the detailed mechanisms underlying the sensitivity of the developing retinal vasculature to hyperoxia remain largely unknown. Understanding how the normal regulatory mechanisms in the retina keep angiogenesis in check has great clinical implications and is critical for the development of effective treatments to save vision in affected patients.