The Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) within the UW School of Medicine and Public Health recently awarded Heidi Kloster, MD, associate professor, Division of Hospital Medicine and Complex Care, a grant of $50,000 to conduct a pilot study in collaboration with Andrea Swanson, a research scientist with the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. The project is titled, “Caregiver Stories: Family Perspectives on How Healthcare Providers May Promote Optimization of Health for Children with Medical Complexity.” Their study will collect data from caregivers of children with medical complexity; these children typically require more than 50 hours per week of health care delivered in the home. The study seeks to identity barriers to health care access to families of medically complex children in rural settings. Danielle Gerber, family engagement specialist in the Division of Hospital Medicine and Complex Care, is also involved in the project. The project begins January 15, 2024, and will continue for 12 months.