The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) recently announced upcoming support for the University of Wisconsin/American Family Children’s Hospital as one of the centers in their Care Center Network. This 3-year award, for $60,000, will support the …
2017 News
Christine Seroogy, MD, Awarded Baldwin Mini-Grant
Congratulations to Christine Seroogy, MD, who was recently awarded a $4,000 mini-grant for her project entitled, “Blood Lead Level Testing in Plain Newborns.” This award from the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment is made possible through …
Undergraduate Students Awarded Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships
Congratulations to the following undergraduate students and their Pediatric mentors who were awarded 2017-2018 Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships from the University of Wisconsin. Students receive $3,000 and faculty mentors receive a stipend to sponsor a …
New Study by Elizabeth Cox, MD, PhD, Shows How a Family Rounds Checklist Promotes Engagement
The simple practice of using a checklist can promote better care for hospitalized children, according to a study led by Elizabeth Cox, MD, PhD, and published in Pediatrics. Dr. Cox’s research team examined the impact …
Microscope Image Named Winner of 2017 Cool Science Image Contest
Congratulations to Jayadevi Chandrashekhar, research specialist at the Waisman Center, and Kaylyn Freeman, undergraduate student researcher at Waisman, for having one of their microscope images chosen as a winner of the 2017 Cool Science Image …
Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD Elected to AAP Council on Early Childhood Executive Committee
Congratulations to Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD, who has been elected to Executive Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on Early Childhood. The Council provides a forum for pediatricians and others interested in …
New Edition of Bright Futures Released
The 4th edition of Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children and Adolescents has been released with input from Dr. Dipesh Navsaria. Dr. Navsaria served on the Infancy Expert Panel for the new …
Kristin Haraldsdottir Wins American Physiological Society Abstract Award
Congratulations to Kristin Haraldsdottir, graduate student in the lab of Marlowe Eldridge, MD, who was selected to receive a Caroline tum Suden/Frances Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award, named in honor of Caroline tum Suden and Frances …
Ryan Coller, MD, MPH, Wins 2017 Odell Research Award
Ryan Coller, MD, MPH, has been awarded the 2017 UW Department of Pediatrics Gerard B. Odell Research Award. This award was established in 1994 to honor Dr. Odell’s distinguished career in pediatric research, academia, clinical …
Research & Development Committee Awards Announced
The Department of Pediatrics Research and Development Committee recently awarded grants to six faculty members for the following projects: Awni Al-Subu, MD – UW Pediatric Critical Care Point-of-Care Ultrasound Program Pelin Cengiz, MD – Epigenetic …