Paul Sondel, MD, PhD, was recently awarded $20,000 from the American Family Children’s Hospital-Cure Kids Cancer Patient and Family Support Fund for his project, “Combining hu14.18-IL2 Immunotherapy and Resveratrol for Neuroblastoma Treatment.” This project will …
2008 News
Dr. Julie Kessel Promotion Approved
We are pleased to announce that the UW School of Medicine and Public Health CHS Appointment and Promotion Committee, and Dean Robert Golden, have approved the promotion to Associate Professor (CHS) for Julie Kessel, MD, …
Dr. Paul Sondel Awarded “Abbie’s Fund” Foundation Funding
Paul Sondel, MD, PhD, was recently awarded $29,523 for his project, “Destruction of Neuroblastoma via Synapse Formation with the Novel Therapeutic Immunocytokine: hu14.18-IL2” through “Abbie’s Fund” Foundation. This research will assist in the development of …
Dr. Judy Smith Elected to the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR)
Congratulations to Judy Smith, MD, PhD, on her recent election to the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR). Dr. Smith is a recent ICTR Dean’s Scholar recipient. SPR actively supports the development of future pediatric scientists …
Kristin Casey Receives American Family Children’s Hospital-Cure Kids Cancer Patient and Family Support Award
Kristin Casey, NP, was recently awarded $6,000 from the American Family Children’s Hospital-Cure Kids Cancer Patient and Family Support Fund for the acquisition of educational materials for families. These funds will provide each newly diagnosed …
Dr. David Bernhardt Receives American Academy of Pediatrics’ Education Award
David Bernhardt, MD, was a recent recipient of the 2008 American Academy of Pediatrics’ Education Award. The award recognizes a member of the Academy whose career reflects educational contributions that have a broad and positive …
Dr. Sinisa Dovat Receives UW’s Institute for Clinical and Translational (ICTR) Pilot Grant
Sinisa (Sunny) Dovat, MD, was also a recent recipient of a UW Institute for Clinical and Translational (ICTR) pilot grant. His type 1 pilot project is titled, “Pathogenesis of Childhood Leukemia” and proposes to understand …
Dr. Peter Ferrazzano Receives UW’s Institute for Clinical and Translational (ICTR) Pilot Grant
Peter Ferrazzano, MD, was a recent recipient of UW’s Institute for Clinical and Translational (ICTR) pilot grant. His award, which provides $50,000 for one year, was given for his submitted project, “Real-time MRI in Pediatric …
Dr. Pamela Kling Receives National Institutes of Health Award
Pamela Kling, MD, is a recent recipient of a National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Supplement. This award is a supplement to Dr. Ronald Magness’ National Institutes of Health research project grant …
Dr. Judith Smith Receives UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research Dean’s Scholar Award
Judith Smith, MD, PhD, is a recent recipient of a UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) Dean’s Scholar award. The award is for $75,000 in salary support and $25,000 in research expenses per …